Who I Am
Corrective Exercise & Strength Coach
My passion for sports and movement started from a young age. I was involved in every sport under the sun, (my poor mum) I got to play and compete in several sports at a reasonably high level in my younger years, whether it was surf lifesaving, soccer, afl or triathlons I wanted to do it all, but I always had bad back pain limiting my performance. A bad break in my leg playing AFL in 2007 was the end for me and it was time to start working properly. I was 20 or 21 at the time. I got a job in the oil and gas industry and worked offshore for roughly 5 years. During this time, you can imagine the lack of health and fitness coupled with excessive drinking and partying of a “Rig Pig” as we were known as. I was, in a way lost with the direction my life was headed, although earning good money, having a heap of great mates, and so called “living the dream” only working 6 months of the year I wasn’t truly happy, I really wanted to get back into my health a fitness and help people along the way. I did my cert 3&4 in fitness while working away and slowly started to move away from the oil and gas industry. In early 2012 I lost a close mate and mentor to breast cancer. This was the catalyst for me to get out of this industry and “chase my dreams” which involved healing my pain and then helping others do the same.
My passion for holistic health and a ‘different” approach to exercise and wellbeing started to take shape. After having dealt with chronic back pain since I was 8 yrs old, it wasn’t until I started looking outside the box for answers that my back pain was healed. Firstly, to understand the role that nutrition can have on pain, I had to change my food choices and my understanding of what I thought was healthy. Also, to understood how different core muscles work specifically on spinal stabilisation. It was only after I started to eat better, move better and breath better did my pain dissipate to the point where I have been pain free for over 10yrs. I can’t tell you how many “experts” I had seen trying to rectify this. It wasn’t that these “experts” weren’t good at what they do as such, it was just that no one looked anywhere other than the back. Meaning a lot of the time, the site of pain, is not the cause of pain. It is my belief, that all areas of the body are thoroughly assessed as the body is whole and not an isolate.
Since then, my fascination in the human body has only intensified. I have spent huge amounts of money trying to learn off the best people I can in all sorts of areas, movement, manual therapy, nutrition etc and have taken a number a clients along the way on a journey back to health, movement and freedom.
If you feel like I can help, please get in touch.