
Injury Rehab & Corrective Exercise
Within this service we go into detail as to why, or how you have been injured. A lot of the time, it is a faulty movement pattern, muscle imbalance or poor posture that has caused us to get injured. As with all the services I provide, we first go through a holistic full body assessment. This will give us the best chance of finding the aforementioned muscle imbalance, faulty movement pattern or poor posture that has led to your injury. From there, we build an exercise program to help you reach your goals of getting out of pain and back doing what you love. Being assessed is the single most important step in devising a program specific to you. Or, you may have been injured playing a sport, I regularly work in with other allied health practitioners to do end stage rehab and strength work for them.

Performance Specific Training
You may be a professional athlete, weekend warrior, avid surfer, or road runner. Here we can dial in the specifics to each sport and make you the best you can be. Each sport, no matter what it is has specific movements and patterns that can be focused on in the gym to improve your performance. Imagine being able to run faster, jump higher, surf with more power and flexibility, it’s all possible with just a couple or specific training sessions per week. A lot of you are possibly getting buy with pure skill yet missing some fundaments and strength components that are going to make you perform at your best.

Strength and Conditioning
This is where we build the body to be as strong and robust as possible. It will give you the best chance of staying in top condition strong and injury free. We cover a lot of the big lifts here, think Deadflift, Squats, Bench and Overhead pressing as well as all their variations. We use equipment like barbells, sleds, prowlers and kettlebells. Again, working out the right equipment and exercises for you will come down to the all-important first assessment and you goals. You may want to get stronger and bigger or, stronger and leaner, this is where that happens.

Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
You may want help losing weight, making better lifestyle choices or you may simply want to focus on getting healthier. Here I go into detail about all thing’s food, hydration, sleep, breathing, stress, and movement. A lot of magic can happen here by changing a few small habits. Learning about the power of getting to bed on time, drinking filtered water, eating organic food and reducing stress is vital if you want to make long sustained changes in your life. Combine this with simply breathing correctly, and I say simply with a grain of salt as most people don’t do it right, but, it is quite easy and moving in ways that are best for you will give you the best results and often fast….

Are you having trouble getting your clients the results you and they, both want? I consult with a number of coaches, trainers and PT's that maybe having trouble getting your clients out of pain. I show you reasons why a certain exercise might not be getting the desired result, or it being that exercise that is casuing pain in that client. I can take you through assessment protocols to show how to best decide the process and program to reach the result you and the client are after.